Battery Services

Ford Battery Services

Having a healthy and functioning battery is essential for the operation of your vehicle.

Ford Battery Services

Having a healthy and functioning battery is essential for the operation of your vehicle. Many features and operations depend on it to operate. It works in unison with the electrical system and neither will operate without the other. Below are the different battery services offered at Tindol Ford.

Battery Services

  • Battery Inspection - Over time, your car battery will deteriorate in its performance and will need to be tested to determine if you need another battery. When you bring your battery in to be inspected, the certified technicians are able to use diagnostic testing to determine if your battery is in need of replacement based upon the life that is left within the battery. They will also inspect the battery connector. During a thorough battery inspection and testing, a certified technician will also assess the interaction the battery is having with the electrical system and determine if there is any significant damage. Our team will charge your battery if there is another issue and restore it to its best health for proper operation.
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  • Battery Terminal Cleaning - The battery terminals can sustain a buildup of corrosion that makes the connections looser; we can clean the terminals and tighten the cables.
  • Battery Replacement - If the health of your battery is determined to be beyond repair and restoration, it is time to schedule a battery replacement. No battery is expected to last the life of the vehicle, but they should be lasting for several years and need periodic replacements. When you bring your battery in to our service center, the technician will choose the appropriate battery size for your vehicle model and ensure that it is installed properly.
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Ford Battery Services

How To Know If Your Battery Needs Service

Has your vehicle been cutting off? Are you noticing a lag when you try to start your car? These are a few signs that your battery is dying and needs to be inspected and/or replaced. Also, if your current battery has a life expectancy of so many years and you are at the end of that time frame, it is a good idea to go ahead and change the battery. A dying battery could cause your vehicle to stop in traffic or on the highway in the middle of winter.

Call Tindol Ford Today!

Our service center at Tindol Ford is ready to give you the battery inspection and testing your car needs. We also have full health batteries on hand should you need a battery replacement. We proudly invest in the Gastonia NC community that has been loyal to our family-owned dealership for 40+ years. Our customers also travel from Kings Mountain Charlotte, Mt. Holly, and Belmont NC for our premium service. Give us a call today to schedule your next battery appointment.